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    idk what should i put here ugh.

    BLOG 1

    06/28/2024 - 00:03

    idk what should i put here but hello! omg.first time writing this!!! hahashsadjhads im kinda exitedl lol well. blogs are like diaries, and i was never a fan of those. when i grew up my family used to give me diaries as birthday presents. and i never used them HAHA because i never knew what should i write! and when i tried to write i was like oh god thats.embarasing. get out! so i never got that experience of being a child and hiding my diary so my parents wont find it! at the same time that i kinda wish i had that cuz yk that sounds kinda fun LOL im glad that never happened!! i was abused by my parents, so imagine they finding my diary???? lmao that would be THE end.

    okay, anyways, i dont know if im doing this right, does it sound cringe? or just..childish?maybe? i never had the chance to talk about myself, i never had this space where i could just. talk! you know? so! i hope im doing right!

    well lets see, i have been really bad, mentally, a depressive episode, you know? i havent been getting out of bed that much. and that is no good ! but tomorrow ill go out with a few friends of mine, so ill try my best to at least get out of my bed!! my girlfriends been helping me on this situation so im kinda feeling better LOL so lets hope ill touch grass tomorrow!

    well what should i say more? i found a ex friend of mine made some music about me! lol and it sucks, its just her talking some shit things about me but very poorly cuz none of those shits are true BUT its funny as FUCK !! so thank you very much for that song i love it so much ill wait for the next banger!

    hm. and.yeah, i think thats it. i dont know much what should i say, its my first blog ever, but thanks for reading lol! see you..next time..i guess! bye!